
我正在新加坡国立大学(NUS)攻读机器人学硕士课程, 是由高级机器人中心(ARC)Marcelo H. Ang Jr.教授指导的NUS自动驾驶组成员。 我对将人工智能应用于各种跨学科领域,特别是生物医学信息分析和自动驾驶汽车方面非常感兴趣。

兴趣: 机器人学; 自动驾驶; 深度学习; EEG; 无人机

个人履历: 我毕业于西南交通大学的计算机科学与技术本科。在这期间,我主要研究了将机器学习方法应用于脑电图(EEG)分析。 我很高兴我们团队的脑控机器人在2021年中美青年创客大赛中获得了全国二等奖。 此外,在攻读硕士期间,我的基于EEG的情感分类系统在2024年的MICCAI会议上发表。

如果您有任何问题请随时联系我!Check English version here.

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中美青年创客大赛 国家级二等奖、中美青年合作优胜奖
美国大学生数学建模竞赛 S奖
第十三届课外科技创新实验竞赛 金奖
第十二届课外科技创新实验竞赛 铜奖
综合奖学金 二等奖

Profile picture


Project image
Feature Fusion Based on Mutual-Cross-Attention Mechanism for EEG Emotion Recognition
Yimin Zhao, Jin Gu
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention –- MICCAI 2024 (Accepted), 2024
项目页面 / 论文 / 代码 /
	author = {Yimin Zhao and Jin Gu}, 
	title = {Feature Fusion Based on Mutual-Cross-Attention Mechanism for EEG Emotion Recognition}, 
	booktitle = {Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention –- MICCAI 2024 (Accepted)}, 
	year = {2024}, 
Project image
The Mind Commands You: Combining Brain-Computer Interactions with Augmented Reality to Control Internet of Things (IoT) Tools, and Robotic Platforms
Haohong Wang, Shenghao Gao, Yimin Zhao, Maojia Song, Heng Wang, Damien Rompapas
IEEE 5th International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET), 2022
项目页面 / 论文 /
	author = {Haohong Wang and Shenghao Gao and Yimin Zhao and Maojia Song and Heng Wang and Damien Rompapas}, 
	title = {The Mind Commands You: Combining Brain-Computer Interactions with Augmented Reality to Control Internet of Things (IoT) Tools, and Robotic Platforms}, 
	booktitle = {IEEE 5th International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET)}, 
	year = {2022}, 


Project image
Autonomous Vehicle SLAM, Perception, and Navigation
Yimin Zhao, Zhenbiao Huang, Yanqiao Huang, Ruiyang Chen, Yifei Mo
2024 ME5413 Autonomous Mobile Robotics Final Project, 2024
项目页面 / 论文 / 视频 / 代码 /
	author = {Yimin Zhao and Zhenbiao Huang and Yanqiao Huang and Ruiyang Chen and Yifei Mo}, 
	title = {Autonomous Vehicle SLAM, Perception, and Navigation}, 
	booktitle = {2024 ME5413 Autonomous Mobile Robotics Final Project}, 
	year = {2024}, 
Project image
Soft Robot RL-Control based on Elastica Simulator
Yimin Zhao, Yi Lin, Pengyu Wang, Xiangge Liu
2024 ME5423 Topics in Robotics Final Project, 2024
项目页面 / 论文 / 视频 / 代码 /
	author = {Yimin Zhao and Yi Lin and Pengyu Wang and Xiangge Liu}, 
	title = {Soft Robot RL-Control based on Elastica Simulator}, 
	booktitle = {2024 ME5423 Topics in Robotics Final Project}, 
	year = {2024}, 
Project image
Classification of French Dialects Based on Weka
Yimin Zhao, Yunzhu Liu, Yang Xiao, Lingfeng Ren, Chenghao Zhao, Junhong Lou
2022 XJCO2121 Data Mining Module Project, 2022
项目页面 / 论文 /
	author = {Yimin Zhao and Yunzhu Liu and Yang Xiao and Lingfeng Ren and Chenghao Zhao and Junhong Lou}, 
	title = {Classification of French Dialects Based on Weka}, 
	booktitle = {2022 XJCO2121 Data Mining Module Project}, 
	year = {2022}, 
Project image
Functioning Fungi: A model based on climate and interaction trait
Yimin Zhao, Zhengkun Shi, Zheng Wang
2021 Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2021
项目页面 / 论文 /
	author = {Yimin Zhao and Zhengkun Shi and Zheng Wang}, 
	title = {Functioning Fungi: A model based on climate and interaction trait}, 
	booktitle = {2021 Mathematical Contest in Modeling}, 
	year = {2021}, 


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